Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Benefits of Guava

Benefits of GuavaSep 15, '09 10:49 PM
for everyone
Guava – dubbed as the ‘’Superfruit’’ is an anti-aging fruit, it keeps skin glowing and wrinkle free. Guava is the richest source of vitamin C more than orange. Guava provides 160 mg of vitamin C while orange just 69 mg of vitamin C. Rich in vitamin A, C, B3, potassium and magnesium. Guava has the highest concentration of antioxidant to fight prostate cancer. Guava taste similar to a pear. Guava, also has anti-histamine properties, protects the skin from hives as well as eczema. It purifies the blood and lowers down cholesterol levels. Prevent asthma problems. Guava keeps your weight down and prevents obesity.